Reader, sower, patron—co-conspirator of this quiet little arthouse, Catching Shower Flowers, let me thank you in the only way I know how: with words strung together in gratitude.
You are part of this strange and tender place where the world tilts slightly, and art spills out. Your patronage isn’t just a gesture; it’s an act of recognition. It whispers, This matters. Keep going. And so, I do—because you are here, because you believe in the turning of thoughts, thoughts that have the chance to move into language, into poem, into story.
To honour that, I’m offering my paying patrons a secret little discount on my recent collaboration with INBLUEM—a creation stitched from the same threads that run through these letters, through this space.
If you missed the back story story, I’ve tucked it below—because it felt too alive to let it vanish.
Catching Shower Flowers, a soft collection of love-letters and fleeting thoughts, is only possible because of you. Supporting Catching Shower Flowers isn’t about just keeping the lights on; but it’s about fuelling the fire, the one that helps me reach into the in-betweens and bring to word what’s waiting there.
Thank you for seeing this, for choosing to walk alongside it.
The gift aka discount code for my recent co-creation with INBLUEM is tucked away behind this gentle flower hedge (a.k.a. my paywall). Consider it a small invitation to step further into this space…