A song that hold hands fondly with this lyrical piece, listen with the reading, or soon after.
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My greatest undoing
My greatest undoing,
my brightest adventure—
all five senses
sparking to the music—
sweeter than ever before.
The sun—
a fragrance like dandelion,
the stars—like fire,
the sand—like clouds,
and the wine—like sweet solace.
Eyes walking asleep,
and my mind: a slow song
with an unexpected crescendo.
Nothing can prepare one
Let yourself undo,
the sooner, the sweeter—
Below is a recent lyrical co-creation that adjoins beautifully to this reading moment if you care for some more —
And… did you read the two part series I released on creative process—
Coming soon…
A new piece for paid subscribers, titled— Why I am not writing another book right now. An honest piece exploring where I currently find myself creatively, some of the surprising grievances and tensions that have come up along the way in choosing to follow my creative instincts and an array of other thoughts that have come up around being inherently creative and it also being your day job, nervous systems, timing, integrity, voice, paying my bills with art and the complexities that it holds and a heap of other thoughts that I’m letting fall out completely undressed.
A continuum of my recent co-creation ‘Sun-speak’ — An outworking of three more visual poems, ones that must be seen, to be fully understood, where the verbal and visual draw strength from each other to produce greater meaning.
The flower column — I’m working behind the scenes on what can be likened to an old world newspaper directory. This will new edition / monthly to bi-monthly feature within ‘Catching Shower Flowers’, a column dedicated to makers, creativity, things I’ve seen, creative ventures, photo shoots, things I’m working on outside of the dynamics of writing etc. I’m fortunate to do life amongst a large array of creatives doing cool things and it’s here I’ll share the outworking stories of their projects etc — it really should be called “my friends are cool and they make cool stuff” — I want ‘The Flower Column’ to be a celebration of this. I’ll also be sharing podcasts, other Substack writers, artists, singers and film-makers.
Also, Expect the play by play visual write up that you never asked for after my camera feasts on at least 12 rolls of film… as I get ready to gather my women this weekend and enter the era of my 40’s—If you can celebrate it—celebrate it.
Thank you again for being here as a reader, it means the world to me. Choosing to sow into ‘Catching Shower Flowers’ is a generous acknowledgment that what you value what you read here. Thank you for the opportunity to push my own limits and find the words begging to be found, just beneath the words on top.
Love (and flowers)
Ahhh, you have awakened a tingling, buzzing sensation in my body with your words. Beautiful x
Mmmm this is beautiful