Objects of archival, Catalogue 003
A visual body of work; 'Sweet Dreams' and a gallery of them.
Objects of archival, Catalogue 003
Subject: Oak Meadows ‘Sweet Dreams’ sleepwear campaign.
Creative Direction: Tara Samuelson, Donna Stain + Tess Guinery
Flower architecture and creative concepts: Donna Stain
Photography and direction: Tara Samuelson
Location: the unchartered meadows, Northern NSW.
Method: Equal parts plan and play. Improv meets the organised.
If this object of archival had a theme song: it would be this one
Dear reader,
I can see a consistent word, a faithful pattern threading through and behaving much like a welcoming glue to my entire creative process, one I lean into as a home I easily dwell —
I like the idea that anything can happen and that mistakes can be undiscovered paths realised, ones not confined to predetermined structures.
Creatively, I am dear friends with the unplanned,
I am a companion of Improvisation.
I like that I don't need to know where I’m going and that destination is a secondary matter. I enjoy the freedom this brings me creatively. It means exploration and experimentation are unlimited and so are the mediums, nothing is out of bounds.