A lyrical piece indeed. The song + your words + your photos transported me to a place more quiet and flower-filled than where I find myself now. And that "magic magic window" reminds me of my bedroom window at my host-mom's apartment in the suburbs of Paris. I would fluff out Peonies in a little vase and look out at the Eiffel Tower's sparkling night show. I haven't thought about those moments in years.

Also, I just discovered John O'Donohue a few months ago. His piece called "Thresholds" really helped me to put words to my own crossings. I'll have to look into his book that you referenced here :)

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This reads like poetry. Thank you so much for taking the time to dance in this piece and for allowing it to move you. It gives me chills knowing you too have experienced a “magic magic window”. Love to you honey x

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