Objects of archival, Catalogue 001
A visual body of work; meadows, moons and German slippers.
Objects of archival, Catalogue 001
Subject: Oak Meadows (BTS + campaign imagery).
Creative direction : Tara Samuelson, Donna Stain + Tess Guinery
Flower architecture and creative concepts: Donna Stain
Photography and direction: Tara Samuelson
Location: Stain Gallery play-scape + un-chartered meadows, Northern NSW.
Method: Equal parts plan and play. Improv meets the organised.
If this object of archival had a theme song: it would be this one
Dear reader,
It is here, in the arms of this new archival moment, that I have begun a new series that will allow me to catalogue the visual work I put my hands to outside of writing. Work that hopes to have a home here too.
Writing is very much how I spend majority of my work-life these days— but there are other note-worthy things that weave rhythmically, taking residence in the most beautiful way in the methodics of my life and livelihood.
So here’s numero un — some dainty out-takes / some beloved finished makes, of a project I was truly honoured to be part of. This body of work materialised in its half and half melodics of improvisation and play as it so often does when working with Donna Stain and Tara Samuelson a concept we dreamt up for Label Oak Meadows and her Autumn campaign and soon to follow May campaign.
I am often overcome with gratitude when I find myself nestled in the beauty of co-creation. Working with fellow artists and makers builds worlds within me, worlds that are catalyst to breaking down walls of the mind, opening up the tired places within whilst re-imagining things anew. Co-creation brings endless possibilities to life, a quickening, one that happens in the crazy nonsense of minds working together to dream up everything and anything, no limits. There is something pretty darn stunning and language-less about working with others and I am particularly grateful to have has the opportunity to create with @understoryphoto @donnastain in their unwavering connection to the element of surprise and all that improvisation brings.
I have shared this poem once before but it feels very important for it to belong here as a preface to the work that happens in company such as this.
Have you ever heard the words “I’ll make it work” fall effortlessly out of the mouth of another? you are likely in the company of a spacious and interesting kind of human.
Improvisers, known for their unique élan to turn nothing into something, and anything into everything, expanding all year round they take a nuisance and make a romance of it. They will help you see a missed deadline as a magic moment to trust the synchronicity of the Great Decider; and turn up on your birthday with a bag full of confetti, candles, and a heap of tangerine cellophane— and suddenly you have art.
Canceled plans raise no qualm because the dance can be found in anything and almost everything—even if it’s resting on threshing room floors, creating pillows from straw.
Improvisers can be found all around us,
they are usually out and about helping the dreams of others come alive whilst linking arms with big ideas and holding light to largesse speech, they take wrong turns and discover they needed to go that way anyway
and to see a door fastened, is a way to find an idea yet realised.
The sun didn’t come out today,
what an opportunity—
to re-see,
to move,
to turn things upside down and try something new
because anything can be something,
and something can be everything.
If you ever hear the words, “I’ll make it work” fall effortlessly out of the mouth of another—
Linger longer.
Objects of archival: Catalogue 001
Behind-the-scenes + campaign photographical catalogue, Oak Meadows.

Thank you for being here in the archives. To sit audience to more, visit Oak Meadows and to view their latest collection here.
Three other pieces that might interest you that were formed by the same hands as the piece you have just immersed in.
Did you see my latest love-letter and what I have intimately proposed? Join me at the table—
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Love Tess
Love your posts Tess! So inspiring. Thank you so much.
Beautiful imagery! You are stunning!