Dear Reader,
It’s me, your catcher of shower flowers…
…and isn’t it fitting that a piece like this, would land as my last love-letter to you, for 2023.
This piece being part two, of my most intimate love-letter yet.
If you missed part one, you can find it below—have a wander through the heart of it, it’s there within the piece that I share my recent “crisis” that found me on the cusp of turning 40—less of a mid-life quandary and more of a sentimentalist’s dilemma.
This piece, surprisingly, a beautiful catalyst to the largest rush of new readers (and new paid subscriptions) I have ever had the pleasure of welcoming to this space—here in my art-house ‘Catching Shower Flowers’ and I am so thankful that you are here.
So with no further fuss, as promised in part one, here are my 40 reflections, found and foraged upon and within the terrains of 40 years of living, learning, human-ing.

Sometimes words are in the wind,
other times,
buried under rocks.
Both require different means of discovery:
one requires stillness,
and the other,
If you can celebrate it—Celebrate it.
I am learning to be more gracious and to stand in the shoes of others, humbly. Grace is a good use of my time in the art of togetherness. The need to psychologically interpret or prescribe diagnosis’s upon others is a waste of my time — I have come to accept that there are countless explanations, humans are multi-dimensional and often I only know but a small and tiny cm’ of the entire multi-verse, that is them. Most things are multi dimensional—with layers and stories within stories within stories, paradigms & different realities, silent battles and implications that can be split into multiples. Blankets are far too heavy to be thrown over such intricate matters of things. Listening might just be, one of the most powerful uses of my time.
I am 99% visionary, my nervous system often being 99% too small for the size of my dreams. The gap in between has been worthy of my curiosity, a place to pause, for it is there that wisdom and nobility linger, and speak.
For those who have upgraded their subscription to paid, you can continue reading the other 37 reflections (with some extras because why not?).
As a reader and supporter of ‘Catching Shower Flowers’ I invite you to head to a desktop/ email version of this (Not in the app) to have the option to upgrade. Upgrading is an acknowledgment that you value what you read here, allowing this love-letter to grow and continue to exist. It works out to be $2.00 a week or $1.70 a week if you sign up for the annual subscription.
Upgrade now to continue reading the below and indulge in my mid-life reflections.