The Art of Noticing.
Beautiful things I saw, felt, witnessed, made, held, heard, found, received, and learned.
Dear Reader,
As we immerse ourselves in exploring the art of conversation—aptly titled The Ripples of Beautiful Dialect—I’ve found myself drawn to another companion in this inquiry: the art of noticing.
This week, I’ve encountered a collection of experiences that have sparked my curiosity and filled my heart with wonder through both the art of dialogue and noticing.
Join me as I share these reflections and invite you to notice the beauty that surrounds you.
What did you discover or notice in your week?
What conversations caused you to be courageous?
What beauty caught your eye in an unexpected place?
When did you last feel a deep connection with someone through dialogue?
From fleeting moments that made me pause to profound exchanges that lingered in my thoughts, I’ve gathered an array of beautiful things I saw, felt, witnessed, made, held, heard, found, received, and learned…
Enjoy this partnership of words and language…
Something I saw….
A Matisse-inspired cut-out crafted by one of my daughters, this imperfect piece captivated me with it’s fearless placement and colour palette that brought a sigh of relief because of its simple beauty. My daughters’ uninhibited approach, a moment worth noticing.
Something I felt….
This week my affection and respect for the man I married felt both comfortably worn-in and new.
I experienced a kind of euphoria this week in realising all over again that in my relationship, I am encouraged to evolve—something I have written into my poems over and over.
My questions—wild and unconventional as they may be—are met with openness and for this, I am full of gratitude.
Something I witnessed….
I witnessed this little love note, found at the end of a book I read to my daughters. ‘Maybe’ written by Kobi Yamada.
Something I created….
This beautiful harmonious unfolding is currently happening in my world, as I take on the opportunity to school my daughters, I get create with them, every single day.
Something I held….
Hand in hand in hand in hand, on the full moon, a walk via the beach to a nostalgic dinner by the sea.
Something I heard….
"Language can be a bridge, not a wall."
“Curiosity is a form of compassion.”
“To be vulnerable is to be alive.”
“Life is a series of conversations, not a single statement.”
I was deeply moved by this episode via On Being with host Krista Tippet — Ó Tuama encourages us to embrace empathy and curiosity in our interactions, reminding us that every exchange has the potential to deepen our understanding of one another. If you’re curious about how our words can transform our experiences and relationships, I highly recommend tuning in. This conversation might just be one of my top 5 listens— I feel I need to listen to it another 5 times to grasp it, in all its fullness.
Something I (we) found….
Moving back to the town where I spent my early adulthood has been full of unexpected joys. It’s the place where I fell in love and where so much of who I am now took shape. Best of all, I’m now living close to my sister, who is not just family but one of my closest friends.
Together we are a volcanic duo of vision and dreams. We build creative kingdoms with our words, coffee or wine in hand, together we feel a very tangible sense that ANYTHING is possible, where limits are facades and dreaming is possibly the best way you could spend your time.
Our dream-like banter is often interrupted by the 5 babes between us but never a deterrent from following our whims… this past week we found ourselves looking at the sweetest little duo studio above a township that holds equal sentiment to us both. We laughed as we walked up the quaint little steps that led to identical little a-framed roof studios, side by side, over-looking the township we both love because of the pancakes we spent most of our earnings on in our bachelorette years.
Our practical sensibilities literally leave our bodies when coffee and dreaming is upstaging all methodical thinking…
This day, a catalyst to a greater plan, one that might see us dwelling in a space of sorts, in 2025, be it this one, or another—we are leaving this dream up to the happenstance of life’s miracle and mystery… watch this quaint space…

Something I received….
French shoes…
For those who know me well, my passion for beautifully crafted footwear is no secret. Beyond my writing, I have the wonderful opportunity to shoot analog for a select few brands I genuinely admire, brands that embody artistry and integrity.
Nomasai a European brand built on the stories of strong, free and fearless women, and upon dance as a gesture of freedom sent me a love-letter this week in the form of a shoe. A brightly beautiful shoe that I will wear as day-wear even though I live in the casual surrounds that the sea invites.
I won’t save the beautiful things for special occasions;
this is daywear,
Something I learned….
I researched a curiosity and question—
What country allows for vulnerability in conversation as a cultural norm?
and learned…
Japan is one country where vulnerability in conversation can be a cultural norm. Concepts such as "honne" (one's true feelings) and "tatemae" (public facade) illustrate the cultural understanding of the importance of genuine, heartfelt communication in the right context. Additionally, Scandinavian countries like
Sweden and Norway emphasise open and honest communication, often valuing authenticity and vulnerability in personal and professional relationships.
If you’d like to join me on my inquiry into ‘The ripples of beautiful dialect’ start below…
I’m excited to offer a 50% discount on an annual subscription for the next 24 hours! I hope this makes it easier for you to join me on what I believe will be the most significant exploration yet.
Thank you for being here. Paid subscriptions allow me to keep writing these love-letters. Choosing to sow into ‘Catching Shower Flowers’ as a paid subscriber is a generous acknowledgment that you value what you read here, that you are not just an audience to the work, but a contributor to the unfolding of it. Thank you for the opportunity to push my limits and find the words begging to be found, just beneath the words on top. I am so grateful for this opportunity, one that I don’t hold lightly.
Love Tess
The art of noticing is one of my all time favourite inquiries. Thank you for choosing curious over comfy, and sharing your work so generously ✨
SUCH a beautiful honest sip (times ten) for my inner and outer eyes